
6th Form School Captain

"When you work hard and keep your head down and do what is advised, it will pay off."


My name is Trisha Smith and I am in year 13. I study Triple Health and social care. I have been attending Our Lady's Catholic High School since I was in year 7 and I achieved 7 GCSE grades. Year 7 to year 11 for me in Our Lady's was great. I made lifelong friends and had amazing teachers. Even Though  some of the teachers have left, we have welcomed new talented teachers to the school. 

Towards the end of Year 11, I knew that I definitely wanted to continue my journey in Our Sixth Form. I knew my way around the school, I was close to the teachers and I knew I wasn't ready to leave yet. Going into year 12 was scary for me because I knew that I was growing up and it was going to be difficult, but as long as I worked hard and kept my head down I would do great, and so I did which leads me to where I am today. I am currently School captain and I couldn't be more proud of myself. I have two deputies who help a lot and I am so grateful for them, Lydia and Delicia.  

The teachers here are great at ensuring that we have everything we may need for our lessons. I always feel supported by my head of year, my form tutor and the headteacher. 

One thing I would say I love about form time is that once in a while, my teacher will do tutorials with each of us. The teachers do this to check how we are doing, not just at school but at home as well. I really like this because it shows that the teacher cares about us and about our mental health and they want us to succeed. The school provides a lot of opportunities, such as being school council, being servite leader, being a form rep, running extracurricular activities and many more. 

In the sixth form we have a study room, where we go for some peace and quiet and to either catch up on work or any school related activities. We also have a common room which is a way for us to socialise at various times and to eat our food. Even though we are in sixth form, we attend enrichment, which is an opportunity for independent learning with guidance from our class teachers. We can also use it to reflect on our behaviour and also to catch up on work. 

Moral of the story is when you work hard and keep your head down and do what is advised, it will pay off and Our Ladys really helped me with that, so if you do chose to come to Our Lady’s, you are making a  great decision and you will be happy here just like how i was.