Exciting Times Are Ahead: A Brand New Name in Summer 2024

We are very excited to announce a new chapter of our educational journey. After 120 years of service predominantly to female students, Our Lady’s Catholic High School recently announced a significant transformation: the admission of boys into Year 7 starting in September 2024. 

Alongside this historic change, the school will undergo a rebranding and will be known as All Saints Catholic High School, from September 2024 to reflect its commitment to inclusivity and community.

Why a new name in 2024? 

We have welcomed boys into our 6th form for some time now and our new name reflects that all are welcome: boys and girls from all faiths and none. Our Servite values naturally remain at the heart of the school. 

Mr. English, Headteacher of All Saints Catholic High School, explains, "We now feel it's time to extend these opportunities to boys in our local and surrounding communities. The decision emerged from discussions with multiple stakeholders and is fuelled by our relentless commitment to broaden horizons for all students, irrespective of gender or faith."

What is the main reason for choosing “All Saints”? 

The decision to adopt the name “All Saints” was made after careful consideration, and months of consultation with governors, teachers, and students. We chose the name "All Saints" to reflect the inclusivity of our school, which will now be accepting both boys and girls.

Additionally, we want to preserve our Catholic identity and Saints are important figures of the Catholic Church. They represent the virtues of faith, charity, compassion, and service. In choosing the name "All Saints," we honour the past while embracing the future of providing excellent academic and pastoral care to all our students. 

Will the new name affect the values of the school? 

While our name may change, our core values will remain. All Saints Catholic High School will continue to provide a diverse and inclusive environment while maintaining its commitment to academic excellence and pastoral care, and long-standing Servite values. Our motto, "shaping tomorrow, inspired by faith," continues to guide us.

What will happen to the uniform?

Details about the new uniform will be shared with parents before the end of this academic year. We will keep you informed every step of the way.

Admission Policy: New Changes? 

We will continue to welcome students from all faiths as well as those with no faith affiliation. Boys will be welcomed into Year 7 from September 2024, gradually increasing to a fully co-ed school over the next 5 years . 

During this time, our existing female students will remain in girls-only classes up to Year 11. 

Visit our Admission page here.

Stay Updated 

We understand the importance of transparent communication during this period. We will regularly communicate with you about any new developments. If you have any questions, please contact the office of the headteacher. officeadmin@olchs.co.uk.

Thank you for your support as we start this remarkable journey together. We look forward to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead at All Saints Catholic High School.