Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) is an important and necessary part of all students’ education. It studies how society operates, and each student’s place in the world. Important themes are discussed and analysed which will help students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. PSHE education helps pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepared for life and work in modern Britain. The subject also covers aspects of the Relationships and Sex Education curriculum.
Key Stage 3 Subject Content:
Year 7
Autumn term
Education and Change:
Getting to know the School
Why do Things Change?
How to Cope with Change
How to Support Friends
Why is education important?
Barriers to Education
Girls in Education
Education in Ghana
History of Immigration
Push and Pull factors
Case study
Immigration and the Media
Immigrants in Britain
West Indian Immigration
Spring term
What is puberty?
Puberty in Boys
Puberty in Girls
Period Poverty
Personal Hygiene
Emotional Changes
Peer Pressure
Social Media:
The Growth of Social Media
Social Media around the World
Online Crime
Social Media and Mental Health
Youtube and Influencers
Staying Safe Online
Summer term
What is Crime?
Why do People Commit Crime?
Different forms of Punishment
UK Courts
Acid Attack Case Study
Preventing Crime
Different types of relationships and positive relationships
Managing negative relationships
Romantic relationships
Building confidence and resilience
Year 8
Autumn term
Creating Rules
Different Types of Government
Local and National Government
Politicians Personalities
Political Parties
Creating a Political Party
Health and Wellbeing:
What is well-being?
The Importance of Sleep
Young People and Alcohol
What is Mental Health?
Young People and Drugs
Spring term
Rights and Responsibilities:
What are Human Rights?
How can Human Rights be Abused?
Rights of Women
Children’s Rights
Amnesty International
Diversity and Multiculturalism:
What is Diversity and Multiculturalism
How did London become Diverse?
Hate Crime - Anti Semitism
Rise of Racism
Murder of Stephen Lawrence
Becoming a More Open Society
Summer term
Why do we Need Money?
Credit versus Debit
Getting into Debt
Case Study: Killed by my Debt
Recap of year 7
Boundaries and consent
Online relationships
Physical intimacy
Year 9
Autumn term
The Media:
Mental Health:
What is mental health?
Teenagers and Mental Health
The Media and Mental Health
The Truth about Eating Disorders
Supporting those with Mental Health
Spring term
The Economy:
The Economy and Finance
Economic Crisis
Living in Poverty
Professor Green Case Study
Reasons for Crime
Punishment and Rehabilitation
The Criminal Justice System
The Role of the Police
Stop Search
Knife Crime
Summer term
Sex and Relationships:
Sex and the Law
Rape Culture
Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
Domestic Violence
Family planning and miscarriage
Online Safety
Key Stage 4 Subject Content:
Year 10
Autumn term
Living in the Wider World
The Changing Family
What modern families look like, the difference in each family.
Marriage (Catholic and non- Catholic views)
Separation and divorce (Catholic and non-Catholic views)
Same sex relationships
Bereavement and grief
Spring term
My Body
Bodily changes and mental health links.
Body image
Protecting your mental health and building resilience
Making healthy choices.
Female Genital Mutilation
The World of Work
Finance, work experience, CV’s and getting a job.
Young people and work
Different types of work.
National minimum wage and the London Living Wage.
Discrimination in the workplace
Gender Pay Gap
Summer term
Healthy Living
Preventing cancer and heart disease
Peer pressure
Puberty built on from KS3
Healthy living around drugs and alcohol
Personal hygiene
Year 11
Autumn term
What are illegal and illegal drugs?
What is alcohol?
The effects of drugs and alcohol
The difference between cigarettes and vaping
Harmful effects of these
Misconceptions around vaping
Effects of vaping and cigarettes
Getting help
Spring term
Healthy friendships
Unhealthy friendships
Learning to say no
Support for difficult relationships
Consent - Young Hackney Workshop
Vaping Workshop - Young Hackney
Elements of RSE covered in Science
Sexual Health
Summer term
Government and Monarchy
What is the Monarchy?
Link to extra day off this year
How the Government help society?
Young people and Government current topics
The Government and education