

Who is available in school to support our students?

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

All key pastoral staff in the school are trained in Child Protection and Safeguarding:

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mrs Nye, Assistant Headteacher
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL): Miss Shreena Sowden
  • Students can be referred to a Learning Mentor or Counsellor - this is usually overseen by the Head of Year.

Pastoral Team trained in Child Protection:

  • Mrs Adams
  • Miss Walker
  • Ms Sowden
  • Mr Shine
  • Miss Lopes
  • Mr Bailey

All Saints Safeguarding Statement

Safeguarding is the umbrella term for ensuring all our students feel safe and are able to achieve their potential. Safeguarding and Child Protection come under the same remit but given the very sensitive nature of Child Protection matters, a separate Child Protection Policy is in place at school. Safeguarding crosses all borders within the school environment from DBS (formerly CRB) of staff to site security and safety around the building.

The Children's Act(1989) and September 2022 DfE document Keeping Children Safe in Education are the main documents that form the foundation of our Safeguarding Procedures within school. All Staff receive update training  every year on Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures in order to refresh and highlight any changes. All new members of staff are given training on the school procedures for Safeguarding and Child Protection as part of their induction. Staff and students know who the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) (NCSA) is and the relevant members of staff who can assist. Information is displayed and regularly updated in the staff room.

All matters relating to the well-being of children are underpinned by ‘Every Child Matters: Change for Children’  (DFES, January 2006)  by which all children must  have the support they need to:

  • Be healthy
  • Stay safe
  • Enjoy and achieve
  • Make a positive contribution
  • Achieve economic well-being
Other aspects of Safeguarding can be found in other school policies as listed below:

Positive Handling






Staffing Policies